Thursday, December 22, 2011

~ sEtAhuN yAnG LaLu.....~

Setahun yang lalu pada tarikh yang samer 23 Disember.....tym ni la 1st tym aku rs sakit nak bersalin di usia kandunganku 8bln lebih.....sepanjang perjalanan PAKA >>>> KUALA KRAI bagaikan satu siksaan bg aku....hanya tuhan yg tahu penderitaan yg aku lalui....sakit yg teramat sgt....sampai jer kt kg trs ke HOSPITAL KUALA KRAI n trs admit kt wad.....

Pepun tiada tanda2 lain tuk aku bersalin....rupa2nya Allah S.W.T tu Maha Kuasa....Kesakitan tu hanya tuk menceritakan perihal sebenar anakku di dalam kandungan.....

khabar pertama : " Awak mengandung bayi kembar " ......

tapi setelah diperiksa oleh beberapa org doc len plak kisahnya.....berlaku percanggahan di antara mereka.....aku hanya mendengar.....

khabar kedua : " Kandungan awak single BUT bayi awak abnormal.....

Disebabkan inginkan kepastian, maka aku dirujuk oleh pakar tuk wat detail scan....melalui pakar aku diberitahu khabar kedua adalah benar n bayiku mempunyai masalah usus tau diistilahkan sebagai DUODENAL ATRESIA......oleh yg demikian aku dipaksa menghuni wad sehingga aku bersalin....alahaiiiiiii stress melihat keadaan sekeliling ditambah sedih gan perkhabaran yg memeritkan itu...tapi aku redha gan ketentuanNya...

5 Januari 2011 aku selamat melahirkan seorang puteri SANDRA NUR HUMAYRAA seberat 1.75kg 9.41am secara pembedahan.....n putriku segera di ambil tuk persediaan pembedahannya pada keesaokkan arinya...... Setelah melalui 2 kali pembedahan kini alhamdulilah putriku daa pon membesar sihat seperti kanak2 len.....syukur ya Allah s.w.t....segala apa yg berlaku pasti ada hikmah d sebaliknya.....

Ni serba sedikit maklumat ttg DUODENAL ATRESIA...............


Duodenal atresia is a condition in which the first part of the small bowel (the duodenum) has not developed properly. It is not open and cannot allow the passage of stomach contents.

Causes, incidence, and risk factors

The cause of duodenal atresia is unknown, but it is thought to result from problems during an embryo's development in which the duodenum does not normally change from a solid to a tube-like structure.

Duodenal atresia is seen in more than 1 in 10,000 live births. Approximately 20-30% of infants with duodenal atresia have Down syndrome. Duodenal atresia is often associated with other birth defects.


  • Upper abdominal swelling may or may not be present

  • Early vomiting of large amounts, which may be greenish (containing bile)

  • Continued vomiting even when infant has not been fed for several hours

  • Absent urination after first few voidings

  • Absent bowel movements after first few meconium stools

Signs and tests

A fetal ultrasound may show excessive amounts of amniotic fluid in the womb, a condition calledpolyhydramnios. It may also show swelling of the baby's stomach and part of the duodenum.

An abdominal x-ray may show air in the stomach and first part of duodenum, with no air beyond that. This is known as the double-bubble sign.


A tube is placed to decompress the stomach. Dehydration and electrolyte abnormalities are corrected by providing fluids through an intravenous tube. An evaluation for other congenital anomalies should be performed.

Surgery to correct the duodenal blockage is necessary, but is not an emergency. The surgical approach will depend on the nature of the abnormality. Associated problems (such as those related to Down syndrome) must be treated as appropriate.

Expectations (prognosis)

Recovery from the duodenal atresia is expected after treatment. Untreated, the condition is deadly.


After surgery, there may be late complications such as:

  • Swelling of the first part of the small bowel (megaduodenum)

  • Problems with movement through the intestines

  • Gastroesophageal reflux


  1. Alhamdulillah, loni rara sihat molek..
    sa ni blog aku

    tukar2 cite, suka bila jupo saing ado blog juga ni:)

  2. alhamdulilahhh......hehe....aku pon br nk "i follow" friends....sblm ni x caro pon...hehe

  3. Salam sis. Anak saya dah buat pembedahan usus. Dan sekarang dalam recovery. Dah 14hari dah. If x keberatan hope sis boleh share lebih lagi dan boleh borak panjang. Email me
